Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What Nintendo Needs to do with the Wii-U

Hey Guys. What is going on guys, D1scR3adErr0r here with a little blog regarding my thoughts on the Wii-U so far and what I would like to see for it in future. I had solid faith in the Wii-U before it launched, which is why I was an early promoter and purchased it with a friend during the first week of release. It’s just that some decisions made surrounding the launch confuse me and leave a sour taste in my mouth considering it had such potential.

When the Wii-U was showcased in more detail at E3 2012 with its actual console design and launch titles, I became more excited and had more faith in the console than I had with the original Wii. This time around there was a killer first party app, Pikmin 3, great third party exclusives namely  Zombi-U and Rayman Legends, and a strong selection of launch titles to play like Scribblenauts Unlimited. Then the delays came…which I understand, delays happen but to the point where the Wii-U launched with almost no content, I didn’t. For those of us who purchased a Wii-U at release, we basically had only two new titles to play, New Super Mario Bros U and Zombi-U. Both fun games in their own right, but many people are SICK of the traditional Mario, and I am one of them. I do own New Super Mario Bros U because I needed something to play at launch, and Zombi-U didn’t and still doesn’t feel like it deserves a sixty dollar price tag.

The games available for the system now are mostly third party multi-platform games which I’ve either  played the living hell out of or titles that don’t interest me. Mass Effect 3, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, and Batman Arkham City are just a few of the titles that have been released on the Wii-U that have been out for quite some time on console and PC. Realistically speaking, did Nintendo and the third party publishers really think people would spend sixty dollars on games they have already played?

Nintendo NEEDS to show us what this system is truly capable of, we’ve seen the specifications. We’ve seen the hardware and we’ve seen people benchmark said hardware.  But we need a game that can really push the Wii-U to its limits and prove to gamers that it is a worthwhile console. Will it be Bayonetta 2? You know…if that game actually stays exclusive, just look at what happened to Rayman Legends.

The Wonderful 101 was a fun game, but not a title that will push any envelopes. Nintendo may have to wait until the next Legend of Zelda or 3D Mario game to really push the boundaries of the Wii-U. I do plan on playing the living shit out of Monster Hunter, but it won’t be a big seller in the states though apparently, Monster Hunter is digital crack over in Japan. I really do want to see this system do well because I still love Legend of Zelda, Kirby, and Super Smash Brothers, but I do have to slightly agree with the notion that the Wii-U’s launch was stale when you compare it to the Wii’s launch. This thing is just not selling like Nintendo said it would. Get on the ball, Nintendo.
