"Sleeper hit of 08"
Dead Space::Step into the space suit of Isaac Clarke, an Engineer sent to check a communications problem on the deep-spacing mining ship. The USS Ishimura, As soon as you get on the ship... Its a fight for survival. Will you be able to save yourself and escape or you will end up like the rest. Cut up and dismembered?::
The Story: 8/10
The Story is pretty basic. Its pretty much like every other sci-fi movie out there. But don't look just at the story. Even though it is like every other movie and game, but unlike the others this game puts everything together so well. You have a lot of aw crap moments going along with the story and later after you get into the game you feel lost like you will never be able to get off this ship alive.
Game-Play: 8/10
The Game-play is very polished and very well done. But with that said you want a game that is more then a Survival Horror type of game you will be very disappointed.
If your use to the fast turns, fast action type of movements this game is not that at all. The turns are slow, but it fits the game. The actions are very smooth, very gun shoots like it suppose to. No hitches or anything of that nature. The walk is very smooth as well. The running on the other hand is very debatable. Some people say it is clunky but I though it was very smooth as well.
Your character (Isaac) can't jump, duck, kneel, crawl like in the other shooter type games, but what he can do unlike the other is curb stomp. If a monster is crawling near you and you don't want to waste ammo. Nothing is better then stepping on the things head. Be careful though because the curb stomp does have a bit of a responds time. You can shot your gun mid-stomp. So be careful when you use it. But the whole point of the game is to blow off your enemy body parts one by one until they are no more. Legs, Arms, Head. Everything can be blow off the body, but even with the monsters legs blown off he will still come after you. Even with it's head off he will come after you, even with his arms off he will come after you. So make sure before you go on the thing is totally dead.
The armor suits are decent looking. They are not amazing to look it but they will keep you safe, and they have a very good selection of guns you can use from your handy Plasma Cutter to a Force Gun. All guns are useful in different situations. BUT make sure before you go into a room that you are well prepared, if you fail to buy ammo, or running very low on it and you continue on with your mission to survive you will be in a jam when a bunch of nasty monsters come at you.
The deaths Isaac has are all different. He can simply have his head cut off or he can have his body riped around so only a torso is there.
Graphics: 10/10
Perfect. One word to describe it. Everywhere you go has detail, and not just little detail. But where this game really shines on Graphics is the monsters. They look so crisp and smooth and look as if you are watching a movie. The movements from the monsters are flawless. The environment is spooky, you have to keep a close eye out because in any moment the walls from about can break as you see pieces of it fall in front of you, as you look there is a monster or two right there. You will not shy away from this game if you just want graphics. Very well put together.
Sound: 10/10
Another 10/10. When the developers designed this game, they made sound a huge part of it. You could be walking down a hallway. No monsters to be scene but then you hear something from above you, or around the corner. It makes you stop for a brief moment just to make sure something is behind or running at you. You hear metal dropping on the ground, the sounds of monsters but they re no where to be scene.
Each monster has its own roar or shriek, and early on you will find out about this. As you continue with the story you will hear weirder in weirder things. Such as whispers from the dead, intercoms and one or two children songs.
As Isaac gets injured he starts to breath more heavy. The sound of his walking is totally different.
When your in a no oxygen zone all you can hear is your own breathing, and the shots of your gun. The monsters can't be heard so you have no idea where they are. Making it a unique experience.
Replayability: 5/10 - Length: 6/10
The Length of the game is about average for games now a days. About 8-12 hours depending if you rush or not. The Replayability on the other hand is slightly lower since once you play through one you know what is going to happen and the thrill is almost all gone. They do have a Game plus but you can only play it on the same difficulty you had it set to on your first play through, so if you beat the game on medium, your game plus will only be on medium. Besides unlocking all the achievements which is about 3-4 play throughs. There isn't any need to play again, one game play would be enough get all your thrills and needs in.
Rent or Buy?
Personally I think this is more of a rental since you can beat the game in less then a week. But if your a game collector or love these types of games and don't mind playing it over and over for achievements and whatnot then it is definitely a buy.