"Great Game, some problems with online. But overall GREAT!"
Great Game, some problems with online. But overall GREAT!Graphics: 9/10
I must say the Graphics for the game is good, no Great. The environment on all stages and maps matches throughout the whole game. Nothing seems out of place at all. It is really a step up from Modern Warfare 1.
Sound: 10/10
The sound is amazing. The guns sound awesome. Explosions even better. All sounds are crisp and clean. No doubt this is one of the best aspects of the game.
Game Play: 8/10
Story: The story was good. Better then the first. Only have two problems. Veteran difficulty seems a lot easier then the first game in the series. More so because you don't have enemies chucking grenades from every which angle. The second is the length. Under Veteran the game can be beat under eight hours. Which I suppose is good for a FPS but if you don't have online this could be a problem.
Controls: The controls are pretty much the same as Modern Warfare one with maybe a change or two in the buttons.
Spec-Ops: It starts out easy, but quickly gets hard even on normal. Without some glitches you can't beat a few stages on Veteran unless you are LUCKY! Overall this is a VERY good mode to play around with if you don't want to play online and have a few over your house or online that just wants to waste a few hours of killing NPCs.
Online: 7/10
Community: Its like all FPS's pretty much. Every man for themselves even when your on the team only caring about there K/D ratio.
Maps: 7/10: The Maps in MW2 bring out the Campers. Most maps have multiple camping spots and unlike MW1 these maps have a lot of hiding places and clutter (As in a lot of objects in the way.)
Compared to MW1: MW1 and MW2 are two different games with two different play styles. You can't really compare the two games. But if I had to. I would say that it is better then the First. It makes you think instead of running and gunning.
Overall: 8/10
Besides some problems with online play. This game is a very good game. Much better then the first one. If you are a Modern Warfare Fan you will be pleased with this game.
Rent or Buy?
Rent if you don't have offline.
Buy if you enjoy Online play and don't mind dieing a few times to campers.