"Fable II.... Amazing game with small problems"
Fable II.... Amazing game with small problemsGame Ranking 9/10 and here is why.
Graphics: 8/10
The Graphics some might say is a bit kiddish but it fits the game so well. There is nothing out of place, the environment of all the areas are amazing. The attacks, magic, ranged attacks all fit, nothing glitches or hitches when you cast a spell, attack or use your ranged attack. The only problem with the graphics is some of the clothing for your character look HUGE and a lot of the hats and such are ugly. Even so all the clothing look good graphic wise but not good look wise.
Sound: 9/10
I love the sound of this game. The whimpers of your dog when he is scared to the clashing of blades to magic begin casted. Like Graphics nothing seems out of placed. The sound is right on with everything you do. Also when the people talk about you Good or Bad. It always gets your attention because ether you want to be nice to them, or they trash talk you and you just go ape nuts and destroy the whole town. The little children talk to you as well asking you for certain things which is really sweet. So all in all the sound is almost, if not perfect.
Game-play: 9/10 (I'm going to break it down into sections)
The Story: The story of the game is very good. Everything goes smooth. They don;t toss a curve ball on you and tell you to do something way out of the blue. Everything sticks to the story. In total the story is about 15-35 hours long. It matters if you rush through the game and skip everything or take your time. Enjoy the settings and people talking.
Questing: Questing is rather easy in this game sadly. The dog and the yellow line makes questing so much easier. Some quests may give you some trouble, but not anything that you can't over come. Questing in the game can make a 15-35 hour game into a 55+ Hour game.
Misc stuff to do: All the stuff you can do besides the story and questing make this game well over 100+ hours. You have from battling in this arena type event, to buying every single house and shop in the game. The Jobs take a good hour to two to level up max and there are around 6-7 Jobs (Blacksmith to Bounty Hunter). Then you have raising your family or doing your good or evil thing. There is so much other stuff in the game that I rather not post here because I don't want to spoiler anything.
Exploring: Exploring in this game is actually pretty fun. (Yes they do have fast travel as well for quests for those who want to know). A lot of people just follow the yellow line given to you telling you where to go. But if you have time on your hands, go exploring. Finding treasure chests way off your path. One or two quests. Maybe a new town that you wouldn't of gotten to before until later in the game. The Graphics and Environment also plays a lot into exploring.
Battling: The Battle system is a free roam type of system. Much like Fable 1, but they added guns and such. You will hardly if at all verse one monster at a time, most of the time you will be up against 3-9 monsters at a time. The controls are pretty simple. B for Magic, Y for Ranged and X for Melee. All attacks types are useful. You can kill almost all the mobs with one type of attack type if you want this game doesn't really require you to think when you are fighting.
Death System: Pretty simple. If you die, You get revived right on the spot. If you have a revive potion it automatically uses it. If you don't you have the choice to take money or experience away or you can just revive and take the scar.
Other stuff (Will list below)
Good verse Evil? All the great question. Should you be Good or Evil? Well both sides are pretty well balanced. Good is harder then evil. Also if your good everyone loves you and wants to marry you, if your evil everyone hates you. So it really matters what your prefer.
Is there Armor: No, just clothing which you can dye to look different.
Co-Op Mode: If you have X-box live you can set it up so you can see everyone in the game, well sort of. You see there name and a orb with there X-box live logo. You have no idea what they look like, what sex they and so forth. The only thing you can hear is people talking. They way you start to play with someone is if you click there name and ask them to join you, from there you split the exp/gold ratio. Take note, you can only have ONE person besides yourselves playing with you. So 2 players, not 3 or 4. Just 2 and it is pretty much like single player with a bit more monsters. You both share the screen as well, no split screen or separate screens for each person. The one that is joining has to be a mercenary, of course with all your skills, personally, and stats. (The joiner can NOT buy from a vendor. You also have no inventory. So you can't pick anything up.) After you finished playing with that one person all the experience and gold you earned goes to your real character. Also one final thing. At any time if there is someone around them, you CAN join them.
Community The online community is alright. Nothing much to comment on here. You do hear little kids screaming sometimes but besides that Fable 2 does have a mature community. Some people give out gold as well.
Bugs and Glitches: Not going to lie, this game does have some minor bugs and glitches. They already fixed a few with the first patch (The Experience glitch). But the game still does have some that haven't been fixed yet. Nothing really game ending worthy.
Rent or Buy?
For Fable fans and fantasy RPG fans who like Free Roam combat and want a game that can last away if you do everything this is a hands down buy. But if your just in it to rush, or you really been iffy on this game RENT IT.